Thursday, December 22, 2011

Off the train

We just got to the bus station in Rachatani, Thailand going to Pakse Laos.
Right after we got off the train we stopped by a really dirty looking restaurant. I only call it a restaurant because they had food around a stove, otherwise it was a tin roof, no doors, with bamboo tables and chairs.
All of us ordered pad thai because clearly we couldn't read the menu and it was the best choice ever. I would say the 5 rats we saw running around, flies, and spiderwebs all over didn't matter because the pad thai was so good. Also, it cost $1 USD.

There was this super nice guy walking around in the restaurant that was talking to us in super broken english but it was a fun conversation. He told us about how much it costs to take a tuk tuk to the bus station and how far it is. In the end it turns out he drives a truck and wanted us to ride with him. We negotatied from 200 to 150 baht and rode in the back of his pickup truck which was an experience.

So far, Aaron, Lahti, and I have ridden in airplanes, taxis, busses, tuk tuks, cars, back of pick up truck, and boats. We're missing some sort of animal transportation and I think we've got things covered.

Right now it's 11am and our bus doesn't leave until 3pm.
I will say that I am so glad I packed my extension cord because it has saved me in numerous occasions. Now i get to zone out and watch Battlestar for hours until our bus comes.

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